Special Note: Happy 36th Anniversary to COSATU. Formed December 1985
Pocket Info is another COSATU innovative way of sharing information. Pocket info give rise to the notion of smart information management, that opens information access through WhatsApp.
Cosatu Constitution
The Cosatu constitution Amended 2006
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “Constitution” to 066-470-6224
Forms of harassment
Quick and easy way to understand harassment
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “Harassment” to 066-470-6224
Freedom Charter
Congress of the people, Kliptown, 1955
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “Freedom Charter” to 066-470-6224
16 Days of Activism
Activism against Gender Based Violence
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “16 Days of GBV” to 066-470-6224
Key programmes of the RDP
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “RDP” to 066-470-6224
May Day
The working class heart of out history
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “MayDay” to 066-470-6224
Conceptual framework of NDR
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “NDR” to 066-470-6224
June 16, 1976
Soweto youth uprising
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “June 16” to 066-470-6224
Cosatu Logo
Meaning behind the logo
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “Cosatu Logo” to 066-470-6224
Affirmative Action
What is affirmative action
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “Affirmative Action” to 066-470-6224
Why join a union
Joining a trade union
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “joining union” to 066-470-6224
June 16 Timeline
1976 – 1986
WhatsApp “Pocket” and “June 16 timeline” to 066-470-6224